Philip Morris International

Philip Morris International, a leading tobacco company, is on a mission to transform the industry by replacing cigarettes with science-based smoke-free products. With a bold vision and innovative strategies, PMI is disrupting the market and shaping the future of tobacco. Dive into the fascinating world of PMI and discover how this global titan is revolutionizing the industry and paving the way for a smoke-free future.
: Company Overview
Philip Morris International (PMI) is one of the world’s leading tobacco companies, with a global workforce of 79,800 and headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut. The company has a long history dating back to 1847 when Mr. Philip Morris opened a shop on London’s Bond Street, selling tobacco and ready-made cigarettes. Today, PMI is transforming its business to focus on smoke-free products and a vision for a smoke-free future.
: History and Milestones
PMI’s history spans over 170 years, with key milestones including the establishment of Philip Morris & Company and Grunebaum, Ltd. in 1881, the introduction of the Marlboro brand in 1954, and the company’s call for regulation of the tobacco industry at the World Health Organization’s public hearings in 2000. PMI has continuously evolved, adapting to market changes and consumer preferences while maintaining its position as a leading tobacco company.
: Global Presence
PMI operates in more than 180 countries, with a diverse portfolio of cigarette brands and smoke-free products. The company’s global presence allows it to reach a wide range of consumers and adapt to local market trends, ensuring continued growth and success.
: Vision for a Smoke-Free Future
In 2016, PMI announced its new purpose: to deliver a smoke-free future by focusing its resources on developing, scientifically substantiating, and responsibly commercializing smoke-free products that are less harmful than smoking, with the aim of completely replacing cigarettes as soon as possible. This bold vision is driven by the company’s commitment to innovation, science, and technology, which are helping to deliver a better, smoke-free future for adult smokers who would otherwise continue to smoke.
: Transformation Strategy
PMI’s transformation strategy involves phasing out cigarettes and investing in the development of smoke-free products, such as its heat-not-burn technology and oral nicotine products. The company has invested more than USD 10.5 billion into the science and research of developing smoke-free products since 2008. This commitment to innovation and research is a key factor in PMI’s ability to deliver on its vision for a smoke-free future.
: Smoke-Free Products and Innovations
PMI’s portfolio of smoke-free products includes the IQOS heat-not-burn device, which heats tobacco instead of burning it, resulting in fewer harmful chemicals being released compared to traditional cigarettes. The company also offers a range of oral nicotine products, providing adult smokers with alternative options to help them transition away from combustible cigarettes.
Philip Morris International: A Look at Their Global Impact
Philip Morris International (PMI) is a leading tobacco company that is transforming its business to focus on smoke-free products. PMI’s Information Technology (IT) department plays a crucial role in driving the company’s global shift toward a business-to-consumer strategy, utilizing technologies such as Cloud, APIs, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning.
PMI claims a 14% share of the global cigarette market, making it the second-largest player in the industry. In 2021, 29.1% of PMI’s total net revenues came from smoke-free products, and the company aims to increase this figure to at least 50% by 2025.
- Who founded Philip Morris International?
- Philip Morris was a real person who opened a tobacco shop on London’s Bond Street in 1847.
- What is PMI’s vision for the future?
- PMI’s vision is to deliver a smoke-free future by replacing cigarettes with smoke-free products.
- How much has PMI invested in research and development of smoke-free products?
- PMI has invested over USD 10.7 billion in research, product development, and scientific substantiation since 2008.
- What are some of PMI’s smoke-free products?
- PMI’s smoke-free products include the IQOS heat-not-burn device and a range of oral nicotine products.
- How many countries does PMI operate in?
- PMI operates in more than 175 markets worldwide.
- How many cigarette brands does PMI sell?
- PMI sells over 130 brands, with Marlboro being the world’s best-selling international cigarette.
- How many cigarettes does PMI produce annually?
- PMI produces over 800 billion cigarettes each year.
- What is PMI’s market share in the global cigarette market?
- PMI claims a 14% share of the global cigarette market.
- How many production facilities does PMI own and operate?
- PMI operates and owns 39 production facilities.
- What is PMI’s target for smoke-free product revenues by 2025?
- PMI aims to generate at least 50% of its total net revenues from smoke-free products by 2025.
- How is PMI using technology to drive its transformation?
- PMI’s IT department is leveraging technologies such as Cloud, APIs, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning to drive the company’s global shift toward a business-to-consumer strategy.
- How many employees does PMI have?
- PMI has a global workforce of 79,800.
- Where is PMI’s headquarters located?
- PMI’s corporate headquarters is in Stamford, Connecticut.
- What is PMI’s strategy for achieving a smoke-free future?
- PMI’s strategy involves phasing out cigarettes and investing in the development of smoke-free products, such as heat-not-burn technology and oral nicotine products.
- How does PMI ensure responsible marketing of its products?
- PMI has implemented marketing standards to ensure responsible marketing of its products, focusing on adult smokers who would otherwise continue to smoke.
- “Ashes to Ashes: America’s Hundred-Year Cigarette War, the Public Health, and the Unabashed Triumph of Philip Morris” by Richard Kluger.
- “Global Aggression: The Case for World Standards and Bold US Action Challenging Philip Morris and RJR Nabisco” (no author mentioned).
- PMI’s official website:
. - PMI Science:
. - Statista’s topic page on Philip Morris International:
. - PMI Information Technology:.
- Philip Morris International – statistics & facts | Statista:.
- Frequently asked questions | PMI:.
- Ashes to Ashes: America’s Hundred-Year Cigarette War, the Public Health, and the Unabashed Triumph of Philip Morris:.
- Transforming our company | PMI – Philip Morris International:.
- Everyone deserves to know the facts | PMI – Philip Morris International:.
- Investors FAQ | PMI – Philip Morris International:.
- Ashes to Ashes: America’s Hundred-Year Cigarette War, the Public Health, and the Unabashed Triumph of Philip Morris:.
- Philip Morris International | Delivering a Smoke-Free Future:.
- Facts and figures on our smoke-free future – PMI Science:.
- About us | Frequently Asked Questions | PMI:.
- Global Aggression: The Case for World Standards and Bold US Action Challenging Philip Morris and RJR Nabisco:.
- About us overview | PMI – Philip Morris International:.
- The Facts about Philip Morris… | Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids:.
- Smoking and cigarettes | Frequently Asked Questions | PMI:.
- Ashes To Ashes: America’s Hundred-Year Cigarette War, The Public Health, And The Unabashed Triumph Of Philip Morris:.
- Our business overview | PMI – Philip Morris International:.
: Science and Research
PMI’s commitment to science and research is evident in its investment of over USD 10.5 billion in the development of smoke-free products. The company’s scientific methods are inspired by the pharmaceutical industry, ensuring high standards in research and development. PMI shares its scientific findings publicly and encourages others to review its work, demonstrating transparency and a commitment to delivering safer alternatives to cigarettes.
: Business Performance
PMI’s business performance is driven by its strong portfolio of cigarette brands and smoke-free products, as well as its commitment to innovation and research. The company’s financial performance and market share growth reflect its ability to adapt to changing consumer preferences and market trends.
: Financial Highlights
PMI has consistently delivered strong financial results, with its share price reflecting the company’s success in building a future on smoke-free products. The company’s financial performance demonstrates its ability to navigate the challenges of the tobacco industry while investing in the development of innovative, less harmful alternatives.
: Market Share and Growth
PMI’s market share and growth are driven by its diverse portfolio of cigarette brands and smoke-free products, as well as its ability to adapt to local market trends and consumer preferences. The company’s continued growth and success are a testament to its commitment to innovation and delivering a smoke-free future.
: Corporate Responsibility
PMI recognizes the importance of corporate responsibility and has implemented a range of sustainability initiatives and regulatory compliance measures to ensure its business practices align with its vision for a smoke-free future.
: Sustainability Initiatives
PMI’s sustainability initiatives focus on reducing the environmental impact of its operations, promoting responsible sourcing and supply chain practices, and supporting the communities in which it operates. The company’s commitment to sustainability is reflected in its annual Integrated Report, which outlines the scope, metrics, and progress of its sustainability practices.
: Regulatory Compliance
PMI is committed to acting responsibly in its drive to create a smoke-free future and adheres to a range of regulatory compliance measures, including supporting the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products. The company’s commitment to regulatory compliance demonstrates its dedication to delivering a smoke-free future in a responsible and ethical manner.
: Conclusion
Philip Morris International is a leading tobacco company that is transforming its business to focus on smoke-free products and a vision for a smoke-free future. Through its commitment to innovation, science, and research, PMI is delivering safer alternatives to cigarettes for adult smokers who would otherwise continue to smoke. The company’s strong financial performance, market share growth, and corporate responsibility initiatives demonstrate its ability to navigate the challenges of the tobacco industry while building a future on smoke-free products.
Technical sources:
Philip Morris International (PMI) is a leading tobacco company that is transforming its business to focus on smoke-free products. PMI’s Information Technology (IT) department plays a crucial role in driving the company’s global shift toward a business-to-consumer strategy, utilizing technologies such as Cloud, APIs, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning.
PMI claims a 14% share of the global cigarette market, making it the second-largest player in the industry. In 2021, 29.1% of PMI’s total net revenues came from smoke-free products, and the company aims to increase this figure to at least 50% by 2025.
- Who founded Philip Morris International?
- Philip Morris was a real person who opened a tobacco shop on London’s Bond Street in 1847.
- What is PMI’s vision for the future?
- PMI’s vision is to deliver a smoke-free future by replacing cigarettes with smoke-free products.
- How much has PMI invested in research and development of smoke-free products?
- PMI has invested over USD 10.7 billion in research, product development, and scientific substantiation since 2008.
- What are some of PMI’s smoke-free products?
- PMI’s smoke-free products include the IQOS heat-not-burn device and a range of oral nicotine products.
- How many countries does PMI operate in?
- PMI operates in more than 175 markets worldwide.
- How many cigarette brands does PMI sell?
- PMI sells over 130 brands, with Marlboro being the world’s best-selling international cigarette.
- How many cigarettes does PMI produce annually?
- PMI produces over 800 billion cigarettes each year.
- What is PMI’s market share in the global cigarette market?
- PMI claims a 14% share of the global cigarette market.
- How many production facilities does PMI own and operate?
- PMI operates and owns 39 production facilities.
- What is PMI’s target for smoke-free product revenues by 2025?
- PMI aims to generate at least 50% of its total net revenues from smoke-free products by 2025.
- How is PMI using technology to drive its transformation?
- PMI’s IT department is leveraging technologies such as Cloud, APIs, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning to drive the company’s global shift toward a business-to-consumer strategy.
- How many employees does PMI have?
- PMI has a global workforce of 79,800.
- Where is PMI’s headquarters located?
- PMI’s corporate headquarters is in Stamford, Connecticut.
- What is PMI’s strategy for achieving a smoke-free future?
- PMI’s strategy involves phasing out cigarettes and investing in the development of smoke-free products, such as heat-not-burn technology and oral nicotine products.
- How does PMI ensure responsible marketing of its products?
- PMI has implemented marketing standards to ensure responsible marketing of its products, focusing on adult smokers who would otherwise continue to smoke.
- “Ashes to Ashes: America’s Hundred-Year Cigarette War, the Public Health, and the Unabashed Triumph of Philip Morris” by Richard Kluger.
- “Global Aggression: The Case for World Standards and Bold US Action Challenging Philip Morris and RJR Nabisco” (no author mentioned).
Sources of information:
- PMI’s official website:
. - PMI Science:
. - Statista’s topic page on Philip Morris International:
- PMI Information Technology:.
- Philip Morris International – statistics & facts | Statista:.
- Frequently asked questions | PMI:.
- Ashes to Ashes: America’s Hundred-Year Cigarette War, the Public Health, and the Unabashed Triumph of Philip Morris:.
- Transforming our company | PMI – Philip Morris International:.
- Everyone deserves to know the facts | PMI – Philip Morris International:.
- Investors FAQ | PMI – Philip Morris International:.
- Ashes to Ashes: America’s Hundred-Year Cigarette War, the Public Health, and the Unabashed Triumph of Philip Morris:.
- Philip Morris International | Delivering a Smoke-Free Future:.
- Facts and figures on our smoke-free future – PMI Science:.
- About us | Frequently Asked Questions | PMI:.
- Global Aggression: The Case for World Standards and Bold US Action Challenging Philip Morris and RJR Nabisco:.
- About us overview | PMI – Philip Morris International:.
- The Facts about Philip Morris… | Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids:.
- Smoking and cigarettes | Frequently Asked Questions | PMI:.
- Ashes To Ashes: America’s Hundred-Year Cigarette War, The Public Health, And The Unabashed Triumph Of Philip Morris:.
- Our business overview | PMI – Philip Morris International:.